Costs & Opening Hours

Monthly prices and childcare times for the crèche from September 2024:

We offer a sibling discount of €50 on the childcare costs for the older sibling. The flat rate for all-day meals is €158. An admission fee of € 470 is due upon conclusion of the contract, which is non-refundable.

We adjust the fees every September.

Monday through Fridayfee
08:00 – 11:00583,00 €
08:00 – 12:00642,00 €
08:00 – 13:00700,00 €
08:00 – 14:00758,00 €
08:00 – 15:00817,00 €
08:00 – 16:00875,00 €
08:00 – 17:30933,00 €

Subsidy for the parent fees by the Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe:

Families can have the daycare spots for their children subsidized through the economic youth welfare service (Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe). The entitlement is not limited to economically disadvantaged families. HERE you can access the sample calculator of the City of Munich.

We have created some sample calculations for you using this calculator. The item “reasonable burden” indicates the expected maximum personal contribution to the parental contribution*:

Net family income4.200€5.000€5.000€6.000€
Household members4444
Rent (net)2.000€2.000€2.000€2.000€
Living space100 m²100 m²100 m²100 m²
Kita-fees for other children0€0€850€850€
Assumed reasonable burden0€219€0€264€
Kita-fees für the child825€825€825€825€
Expected subsidy825€606€825€561€
Expected own contribution0€219€0€264€

*This information is based on calculations using the City of Munich’s online calculator. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information.